Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, July 20, 2009– 7:00 p.m.
Colchester Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Cathy Pompei, Steve Cohn, Paul Catalano, , Tom Crotty, Andreas Bibiskos,
Kevin Burzycki, Vice-Chairman Bruce Goldstein (7:30 p.m.)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeffery Koonankeil, Kele Issa
OTHERS PRESENT: John Malsbenden, BOS Liaison, Linda Hodge, First Selectman, Mike Caplet, Fred Rusczala
1. Call Meeting to Order: Vice-Chairman Goldstein called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Approval of the June 15, 2009 Meeting Minutes: S. Cohn motioned to approve the June 15, 2009 meeting minutes amended the date to be June 15, 2009, second by T. Crotty. All members present voted in favor with K. Burzycki abstaining. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Additions to the Agenda: P. Catalano motioned to add Discussion of Blight Ordinance to Old Business and remove items A. and B., seconded by S. Cohn. All members voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Public Comments: None
5. New Business:
A. Stat Profile: Chairman Pompei reported that Adam Turner is approximately 75% done with the stat profile for the website as well as the statutes that apply to the C-Tip. They should be completed shortly.
6. Old Business:
A. Criteria for honoring local business owners by EDC Commission – Cathy Pompei: Removed from agenda.
B. Website Redesign: Removed from agenda.
C. Survey for Main Street Businesses: On Tuesday, July 21, 2009 A. Turner, P. Catalano, C. Pompei, and
L. Hodge at 11:00 a.m. will visit Main Street businesses to conduct the survey. There is hope to obtain more grants for Main Street improvements.
First Selectman Hodge used this time to update the commission on other area improvements. Money for the improvements on Lebanon Avenue is currently tied up with the state budget but the town will still receive the money. A. Turner has been speaking with people that have an interest in the previous Chevrolet dealer. Any business that utilizes that location will need to renovate to meet current regulations. They will also need to comply with historical regulations. The grant received to do work on the firehouse will be used to make the building structurally sound. Additional money will have to be secured before any work can be done to the inside. There has been discussion of a fire museum.
D. Discussion of Blight Ordinance: Chairman Pompei wrote a letter expressing the commissions
recommendation to the Board of Selectmen that a Blight Ordinance be considered. The letter has been given to
A. Turner. P. Catalano has given copies of the ordinances used in other towns to A. Turner to use as possible guidelines. Fred Rusczala said there are areas on Lebanon Avenue where the state use to mow thirty years ago. Now they only do it twice a year and not a very good job. The area looks poor.
(B. Goldstein arrived at this time)
If Colchester is going to enforce a blight ordinance with residents and business owners then the same should apply to the state. First Selectman Hodge said that the town cannot make the state do that. Mr. Rusczala also said that an ordinance would need to be objective and not subjective giving the example that someone might not like the large rocks in his yard even though he does. P. Catalano believes the
ordinance should be geared more towards those who show a lack of caring for and deteriorating of their properties. Examples were discussed of properties where owners do not live locally and have essentially abandoned their property. The properties, when not up kept, can become a hazard The owner from Clothes Pin Laundry was present to gather information on the possible ordinance. She commented that why she keeps her business in good condition, if neighboring businesses do not it can hurt her success. The same holds true for residential locations. If they are not maintained properly it can lower the property
value of nearby homes. Poor residential appearance can also affect businesses from wanting to come in to the town. Additional conversation included the uncertainty of how well such an ordinance can be enforced without additional cost to the town. First Selectman Hodge said it would cost the town money to go to court in attempt to collect fines that were not paid. A possible alternative would be to put a lien on a property which would not cost the town.
J. Malsbenden suggested that the idea of a blight ordinance be presented to the CBA, Planning and Zoning, the Historical Society, and the Historic District for their opinions. Chairman Pompei will speak with A. Tuner in regards to how far he would like to take the possible ordinance implementation.
7. Adjournment: S. Cohn motioned to adjourn, seconded by Paul. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Pompei adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk